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Frontline Dr inspires students
Posted: 28th January 2021A frontline doctor has inspired teenagers to strive for a career in medical science.
Sixth form students studying A-level biology, chemistry, physics, applied science and health and social care attended a webinar by Dr Lalita Abhyankar, a GP working in America.
The Year 12 and 13 students from BMAT STEM Academy, in Harlow, and Epping St John’s Church of England School, in Epping, heard the doctor speak about her career and experience of working during the pandemic.
They were given the opportunity to ask questions, with many intrigued to hear about the Covid-19 vaccines as well as how to get into various careers within medicine.
Year 13 student Sabina Miah said: “Many students asked about the career pathways into medicine and health-related careers. As well as answering the many questions that students had, Dr Abhyankar also shared her plans for the future of a system she would like to develop to make healthcare more accessible across the USA. Her inspiration for this came from the virtual doctor appointments during the pandemic. This has allowed me to see how the pandemic has had a greater impact on the overall healthcare system.
“We benefited from this event as we not only had a chance to learn about the vaccine and the impact of Covid-19 on the healthcare system, but we also had a chance to ask questions about career pathways and be inspired by Dr Abhyankar’s future plans.”
Sonia Ahmed, BMAT director of science, said: “A-level students right now, especially Year 13, are being affected directly with Covid-19 and many of them are feeling stressed and demotivated about the cancellations of exams.
“Many of our students who study the sciences want to go into healthcare professions, so this was a fantastic opportunity for them. So many got involved and we were inundated with questions.
“It was really informative. I loved it and so did everyone else.”