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The first ever cohort of BMAT STEM Academy students have collected their GCSE results.
Posted: 22nd August 2019The first ever cohort of BMAT STEM Academy students have collected their GCSE results.
Along with other BMAT schools, students start to take their GCSE exams earlier than is traditionally seen in UK schools.
Year 10 students, the first to join the unique science, technology, engineering and maths school in September, each took two GCSE option subjects this year.
A total of 85 per cent of students who studied French this year collected grade 5 – a strong pass nationally – or higher, with 35 per cent of them scoring grade 7 or higher.
A total of 60 per cent of students who chose computer science as their option achieved a grade 5 or higher, while 24 per cent achieved a grade 7 or higher.
Top achieving students included –
- Josh Burling - grade 6 French and computer science
- Ashton Cox - grade 8 French and computer science
- Alan Delciampo - grade 7 engineering and computer science
- Moosa Mughal - grade 6 French and computer science
- Owen Nicholls - grade 7 French and computer science
- Tara Osman-Lakhani - grade 7 French, grade 6 engineering
- Gergo Sohonyai - grade 7 3D design and engineering
Dustin Schuyler, head of school, said: “There are many more successes and students to congratulate; we are proud of all of our students and what they have accomplished.
“At BMAT STEM, we offer a wide variety of subjects for students to choose from focused around science, technology, engineering and maths, but also encourage students to take a language to better prepare themselves for industry after they finish school.
“We are proud of our students and what they were able to achieve in just one year as they represent what our school is about with their hard work, perseverance and professionalism.
“We look forward to them returning in September as the first Year 11 cohort at BMAT STEM!”
The business-focused school welcomes its second Year 10 cohort this September, with plans in place to expand to open a sixth form in future.